Replayable Blog Recording Day!

Recording Day!

Recording Day! post thumbnail image

Today is recording day! David, Megan, and I recorded episode four of our board game podcast! You heard that right: four!

It doesn’t feel like we’ve been at this long enough to have four episodes, especially as we have only released two of them so far. Here’s the good stuff: episode three is already recorded, edited, and is scheduled to be released on May 1st. Now we’ve recorded episode four, and I can start editing it. I’m getting better with Audacity, but it still takes me a long time to work through an entire episode.

We hope that you are enjoying the games we are selecting. We are choosing a wide variety of game types instead of focusing on a single niche within the hobby. The folks in our gaming group enjoy many games. If you don’t care for a particular episode then come back and listen to the next one. It will be altogether different!

I know that many of us will be taking some time off this summer and have scattered availability. We are correspondingly getting ahead of our publishing schedule in anticipation. Our ultimate goal is to continue providing quality content following our published schedule of semi-monthly.

Thank you for stopping by!

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