Replayable Blog,Role Playing Playing in Fortune

Playing in Fortune

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Unfortunately, our face-to-face game night was canceled on Monday due to illness. However, thanks to our Dungeons & Dragons squad was able to continue playing in Fortune on Tuesday!

Greg is our dungeon master, and we are working our way through a campaign he crafted based on Acquisitions Incorporated, a sourcebook for D&D 5E. Without getting into spoilers, our travels brought us to a seemingly abandoned town named Fortune, with a mysteriously thriving gambling parlor.

AcqInc. is a rich world that is crafted among familiar settings like Waterdeep and Neverwinter. It adds novel layers such as running your own business (an AcqInc franchise), with sporadic access to corporate resources. I appreciate the creativity that it encourages, but it also detracts from the fantasy setting. I play D&D to escape from real world challenges. Bringing modern challenges like logistic chains and balance sheets into that world is jarring.

I’m not sure how much farther we have left in this story arc. Our crew has already performed heroic feats and elaborate heists (much to the dismay of our lawfully good members). Now greatly outnumbered and likely outmatched, we are relying on our wits, persuasion, and sleight of hand to win big. Just remember to tip the attendants.

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