Replayable Support Us

Support Us

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We may have been playing board games together for years, but we are new to podcasting. It turns out there are all sorts of ways to accrue expenses. From recording solutions, to hosting the files for the shows themselves, to this website, costs are lurking around every corner. Your support will keep us going by helping to pay for these expenses. We can only get better from here!

Become a patron at Patreon!


We know that we have a long way to go. On the bright side, we can only get better from here! You can sign up for a membership over at Patreon. Here is a quick summary of the available levels:

Scratchers ($2/mo.)

We’re doing this on a shoestring budget, and every little bit helps! For the price of two scratchers, you can help us improve our game. They were the unlucky ones anyway.

Coffee ($5/mo.)

You know that grande caramel frapp that you secretly indulge in each month? This level costs less, and you know you don’t need the calories or the guilt.

That cuppa gives you access to exclusive polls about which games are added to our schedule!

Matinee ($10/mo.)

Why sit in a theater and watch a terrible movie when you can take us with you? Listen to us on the road, at the gym, or in the comfort of your own home. You can even pause the show for breaks. How great is that?

You get the polls and we’ll give you a shout-out on our next episode! You will long be remembered!


Do you work for a business that would benefit from being able to address our audience? We have a couple of options for your consideration.


We can add pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads to individual episodes. You can supply the .wav file or we can record a custom one for you to give it that personal touch. Let us know of your interest by sending an email to ads at replayable dot fm.


Alternatively, you can sponsor us for one to six months. We’re holding back on one year contracts at this point while we’re still finding our feet. We don’t yet know what we don’t know! If you’re interested in sponsoring our podcast and receiving accreditation as part of every episode, then please get in touch with us via email at sponsors at replayable dot fm.

Thank you for your help!