Replayable Episode Modern Art

Modern Art

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Modern Art is an auction-based board game designed by Reiner Knizia. Players act as art dealers, trying to buy and sell paintings to earn the most money by the end of the game. All in all, the game revolves around five different types of auctions: open, sealed, once-around, double, and fixed-price. Each player, during their turn, auctions a painting from their hand. After that, other players bid on it, hoping it will be worth more money later.

Moreover, the game includes five fictional artists, and the value of their art changes based on how many of their paintings are auctioned each round. As a result, players must gauge the timing of when to sell or hold onto certain paintings. Additionally, players need to read their opponents’ intentions carefully. If you can predict the market trends, then you can potentially secure higher profits.

At the end of each round, the paintings are evaluated, and the most popular ones gain value. Conversely, paintings by less popular artists don’t pay out at all. After four rounds, the player with the most money wins. Altogether, Modern Art is a game of strategy, timing, and psychological insight, making it a dynamic and engaging experience for players.

In this episode David, Paul, and Todd try to earn the most value for their holdings. Give us a listen!

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